Brookside Dental Centre understands that dental emergencies can occur unexpectedly, causing stress and anxiety. Our dedicated team is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies promptly and efficiently. If you are unsure whether something qualifies as a dental emergency or not, we offer the following advice: if it hurts, it is an emergency! As a general rule, any pain you experience in the mouth qualifies as a dental emergency, regardless of how minor it may seem. This is because even seemingly small injuries can damage the delicate tissue inside your teeth, potentially leading to further complications if not addressed promptly. If you suspect you are experiencing a dental emergency, do not hesitate to reach out to Brookside Dental Centre for assistance. We are here to help you get the care you need when you need it most.
At Brookside Dental Centre, we prioritize addressing dental emergencies promptly and efficiently. We reserve open appointment slots specifically for emergency situations, allowing us to accommodate patients quickly, even if they are not regular visitors. We always try our best to ensure that you are contacted and have an appointment booked within 48 hours of making a call regarding an emergency dental situation. We recognize the pain and stress that often accompany dental emergencies, and our team is dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout your visit. If you believe you require emergency dental treatment, please do not hesitate to call us at (250) 717-8486 and we will arrange for you to be seen as soon as possible.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, it may indicate a potential dental emergency warranting a dental visit:
In such cases, prompt dental attention is recommended to address and alleviate the issue effectively.
In a dental emergency, Brookside Dental Centre is ready to provide the care you need. If you believe you require emergency dental treatment or you have any questions about a dental concern, please contact Brookside Dental Centre immediately at (250) 717-8486 and our team will be happy to help!
Reach out to our dedicated team at Brookside Dental Centre by calling (250) 717-8486 to schedule your Emergency Dentistry appointment today!
Brookside Dental Centre offers the convenience of free on-site parking, making your visits easy and stress-free.
At Brookside Dental Centre, our friendly and accommodating staff are dedicated to ensuring that every visit is comfortable and pleasant, making your dental experience as stress-free as possible.
Brookside Dental Centre utilizes in-office digital imaging to provide precise and efficient diagnoses, enhancing the quality of your dental care.
At Brookside Dental Centre, no referral is required, providing you with direct and convenient access to our comprehensive dental services.
At Brookside Dental Centre, we provide top-quality dental care at affordable prices, ensuring that everyone can achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.
Brookside Dental Centre sends out reminders before appointments to ensure you stay on schedule with your dental care and never miss a visit.